General Refund Policy
You can return your items for a full refund or store credit (minus shipping charges) if you return this to us within 14 days of receiving your order.
Shipping date must be within the 14 days also, any returns shipped over this date will be refunded with credit.
Items must be returned unworn within 14 days. Items will be inspected and if they meet the criteria they will be accepted.
- Items must be in the same condition they were received in.
Unworn items must have hygiene sticker in place and all swing tags attached
Unworn items must be returned in original CAPALA bag
Your refund will take up to 7 days.
Please remember to keep hold of your proof of postage incase your returns in the rare case of your items being lost in transit so we can look into this.
Returns will be at the purchasers expense.
Creating a Refund
Click here to create a refund.
Shipping date must be within the 14 days also, any returns shipped over this date will only be refunded with credit.
In Case of Damaged Items
Our products at CAPALA SWIM are quality controlled, however if there is a rare occasion of one of our items being damaged, please email and we will be happy to assist you.
PLEASE NOTE - None of our prints will come out the same, each item is unique to it's buyer.
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